WE entered our new and commodious residence in October,and consecrated it to God, by the observance of the Lord's Supper, the friends from Duke Town joining us in the sacred ordinance. Thankful for so good a d,velling, beautifully situated, ,ve resolved not to give it up to the undisturbed possession of rats and ants for three months, as we had been obliged to do the year before with the Duke To,vn Il1ission-house. I say beautifully situated for that country, being on a healthy elevatioll overlooking the to,vn, and witll an extensive prospect. Duke To,vn house, and Olel To,vn ,vere so full in view, that ,\ve arranged a code of signals by which to cOlnmunicate with each other.; and in the far distance appeared a grand range of n10untains, from tho (fa1naroons, about eighty 111iles south-east, and thirteen thousand feet high, by· the Rurnbyand Qua, rugged but much less elevated, up to nameless peaks in the north-east, about seventy or eighty lniles distant. Even Clarence Peale, in Fernando 1)0, ,vas occasionally visible due south, about a hundred and t,venty Iniles a,vay.