Having left the town, because uf the tUJins, he did not return from the plantation for a year. While there, under the influence of his abia-idiong, he had a nephew and two nieces put to death, in a horrible manner, as the supposed causes of an illness fronl which he suffered. The \vomen clasped his knees in their agony, and implored him, by his regard for their illutheI', llis own sister, to save them, but inlplored in vain. Ah, how 111any did we see like hirn-" \vithout natural affection, inlplacable, urunerciful." When he returned to town, at King Eyo's desire, he took the Egbo ban off the mission and school houses, requiring nlerely that the twins and their 1110ther should not enter the t<Y\Yl1; and for a time everything \vent on quietly.