POPULATION.-The population of Barbados at the tilne of the first settlement in 1625, appears to have consisted of thirty persons, ,vho arrived in the ship called the 'Villiam and John, cOlnmanued by John Powell, and landeu on the lee\vard part of the island on the 17th of February 1625 1•

In 1627, when the Earl of Pembroke obtained a grant of Barbados in trust for Sir "'illiam COllrteen, the population consisted already of 1858 men, WODlen and children, including Indians2 •

A society of London merchants sent, in opposition to the former settlenlcnt, Charlcs 'Volferstone ,vith sixty-four scttlers to Barbados, ,vho landed OD the 5th of July 16283 • The relation of the contest for superiority and the ultinlatc reconciliation of these t,vo parties, belongs more properly to the historical part of my description j it is ho\\Oever of importance to keep in vic,,,, that the nucleus of the Barbados population consisted only of thirty individuals, ,vhieh by imnligration and natural increase had already in 1629 increased to fronl 1900 to 2000 persons.