As far as the limits of this ,vork permitted, I have already mentioned infusory animalcules in giving a de~cription of the fossil Polycystina. I shall now allude briefly to the succeeding class in the ascending scale, namely, Zoophytes, which obtained their nanle from an opinion that they \\yerc intermediate bet\\yecn anirnals and vegetables. 'Ve meet forms among these remarkable submarine bodies ,vhieh would c~use us to doubt at first sight ,vhether \ve see the petrified branch of a tree before us, or the production of nlinute animals. If our eye could penetrate to the submarine regions, \ve should there observe structures similar to our nleadows, groves and forests in colour and appearance; ,vc should observe forms \vhich cover the bottom of the sea ,vith a luxuriance, ,,,hich persons unacquainted \vith the fact, fancy belongs only to regions \varmed by the congenial rays of the sun; indeed, to use the ,yords of the poet,-

(J. G. Percival.)

Instead of leaves and flowers, the coralline groves are clothed with buds or gems. The surface of the branches are enlivened by small animals, provided with several long feelers, now expanding their bodies, then suddenly closing or withdrawing into their cells.