ON the appointment of Sir Jonathan Atkins, his salary from the Government was fixed at eight hundred pounds a-year, which, considering the responsibility of his office and the appearance he was obliged to lieep up as his Majesty's representative, was a very moderate SUD1. The nalllCS of his Majesty's Council had been inserted in the Governor's instructions, and there is the following very remarkable entry in the minutes of the Committee for Trade and Plant.ations, under ~Iarch 9th" 1674, \vhich seems to explain the absence of Colonel Codrington from the Board :- "The Earl of Arlington acquainted the Council that several persons nominated in the draught of the comlnission and instructions to Sir Jonathan Atkins to be counsellors of Barbados are either dead, gone, or upon going from thence, viz. Samuel Barwick, John Knight, and Sir Peter Colleton; and it was therefore proposed that others might be nominated in their places, and particularly degired that Afr. Peirce and Colonel Codrington might be two of them; whereupon the Council agreed that ~fr. Peirce should be one, but that Colonel Codrington, who is much in debt and who has no visible estate in the island, was no fit man to be a councillor. And Mr. Slingsby \\·as desired against the next meeting of the Council to bring in the names of fit persons to be put into the Council of Barbados." If this objection is really well-founded, it proves in what a short period Colonel Codrington anlassed his fortune in Antigua.