By any measurement, the number of IIAs in existence is significant: over 2,800 BITs existed as of the end of 2010, not counting “other IIAs” which number over 300. The number of countries party to them—over 175—is also telling. 1 Some countries, such as China and India, have respectively signed over 80 agreements each. 2 One would tend to assume that if countries have generally continued to sign and ratify IIAs it is because they promote FDI. Empirical studies, however, have revealed a less obvious picture. 3 This chapter does not seek to present an econometric analysis of the link between IIAs and increased FDI between member countries—an issue that has been the subject of a series of recent papers. 4 Rather, this chapter weighs the theoretical benefits and costs to developing countries from committing to IIAs using a game-theory framework, specifically Markusen’s knowledge capital model. 5