Many different kinds of vehicle are used in the workplace, including dumper trucks, heavy goods vehicles, all-terrain vehicles and, perhaps the most common, the fork-lift truck. In 2008/09, 45 workers were killed and over 5,000 injured in workplace transport accidents. The third highest cause of accidental death in the workplace was being struck by a moving vehicle. Approximately a quarter of all vehicle-related deaths in the workplace occur while a vehicle is reversing. There are also over 1,000 major accidents (involving serious fractures, head injuries and amputations) caused by:

■ collisions between pedestrians and vehicles; ■ people falling from vehicles; ■ people being struck by objects falling from vehicles; ■ people being struck by an overturning vehicle; ■ people injured while inside a vehicle during a

collision; ■ communication problems between vehicle drivers

and employees or members of the public.