Conceptualizations While Chapter 5 described a generic, nontheory-based method of case conceptualization, this chapter describes and illustrates the fi rst of four theory-based methods, one that is based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is one of the most commonly practiced psychotherapeutic approaches throughout the world today. Currently, there are several variations of it in which some emphasize the cognitive side and others emphasize the behavioral side of the approach. Nevertheless, the Cognitive-Behavioral case conceptualization method described here is suffi ciently broad to be compatible with most Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy approaches. This chapter begins with a discussion of the Cognitive-Behavioral perspective, then addresses Cognitive-Behavioral assessment and identifi es the unique factors that are assessed. Next, it describes the unique clinical, cultural, and treatment formulation components of this case conceptualization method. Finally, it illustrates this method by providing Cognitive-Behavioral case conceptualizations for fi ve clinical cases.