After a stormy voyage lasting six weeks, the Henry, with List and his family on board, arrived in New York on June 9, 1825. On the following day List went to Philadelphia in the hope of meeting Lafayette, who was on a triumphal tour as the guest of the nation. He missed Lafayette in Philadelphia but caught up with him in Albany, where he was warmly welcomed and was invited to join the General's party.287 As a member of Lafayette's entourage he visited New England, Pennsylvania, and Virginia and was able to observe many aspects of the development of the United States. He met a number of prominent Americans such as President John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, W.H. Harrison, and Chief Justice Marshall. On July 20 at a reception in Philadelphia, given in Lafayette's honour by Richard Rush,288 List was introduced to some of the leading members of the local business community, who established the Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Manufactures and the Mechanic Arts in December of the following year.