In The American Soldier3 reliable statements on the subject were found. Unfortunately they confirmed Freud's thesis. The form in which the question was put did not attempt to overcome sociological barriers. Even so, a remarkably high percentage of the soldiers interviewed stated, even before their first enemy engagement, that they would love to kill a Japanese (44%) or a German (6%). A still higher percentage thought it their duty to kill the former (32%) or the latter (52%). A mere 18% and 34% respectively had some scruples regarding these enemies, and only 4% and 6% respectively had any total aversion. Considering the usual lowering of social inhibitions on the battlefield, interviews on the spot would probably result in statements which could confirm Freud even more emphatically. The average person does not particularly worry about killing. Such 'fear' is an ancient myth and it can be removed from the list of possible anxieties. Deep down in his subconscious, man seems to enjoy killing.