Now, it is often necessary to determine the properties of functions of stochastic variables. For example, the astrophysical measurements on which the Laplace model of accumulated errors is based (as in §7-2) were used by Laplace in the further calculations he made in his work dealing with the asymptotic stability of the solar system. Given this, suppose we let Y (x, t) be some kind of stability measure dependent on the accumulated measurement error x(t) obtained from a set of astrophysical observations. We now expand Y (x(t +t), t +t) as a Taylor series about the point (x(t), t), in which case we will have

Y (x(t +t), t +t) = Y (x(t), t)+x(t)∂Y ∂x

+t ∂Y ∂t

+ 1 2 [x(t)]2 ∂



+[x(t)t] ∂ 2Y

∂x∂t + 1

2 (t)2


∂t2 + 1

6 [x(t)]3 ∂


∂x3 + . . .