Explain the hazards and risk assessment of excavation work ■ Explain the control measures for excavation work ■ Explain the hazards and risks associated with confi ned space working ■ Outline the control measures for confi ned space working ■

The hazards and controls required for excavation work … The use of cofferdams and caissons, including hazards and controls … The inspection requirements for excavations and excavation support systems … The defi nition and hazards of a confi ned space … The additional controls required when working in a confi ned space, including emergency arrangements … EXCAVATIONS: WORK HAZARDS AND ASSESSMENT EXCAVATION HAZARDS

■ premature collapse of the sides (possibly due to soil composition);

■ materials falling on workers;

■ excavation machinery and equipment (e.g. pneumatic drills);

■ people and/or vehicles falling into the excavation;

■ workers struck by plant;

■ manual handling;

■ noise and vibration;

■ hazardous substances, particularly near the site of current or former industrial processes;

■ infl ux of ground or surface water and entrapment in silt or mud;

■ proximity of stored materials, waste materials or plant – surcharging;

■ proximity of adjacent buildings or structures and their stability;

■ contact with underground services;

■ contact with overhead power lines;

■ access and egress to the excavation; and

■ dust, fumes, lack of oxygen and other health hazards (such as Weil’s disease).

Site survey should include: