ETIOLOGY The Southern Sudan, an area the size of France and the greater part of Britain put together, is inhabited by black Africans. The majority are animists and a minority are Catholics and Protestants. In 1956 the Southerners amounted to 29 per cent of the total population of the Sudan; that is, around three million. Today their numbers have doubled. Of the three main linguistic groups - the Nilotic, the Nilo-Hamitic, and the Sudanic - the most numerous are the Nilotic Dinka, well known for their ethnocentrism,9 followed by the three other 'great Nilotic nations', the Nuer, the Shilluk and the Anuak and the largest Sudanic group, the Azande. The rest include the Nilo-Hamitic Murle, Didinga, Boya, Toposa, Latuka, Mundari, Kakwe and the Sudanic Kreish, Bongo, Moru, Madi and others. The Nilotics inhabit the provinces of Bahr el-Ghazal and Upper Nile, while the others mostly live in the province of Equatoria to the south.