Late on 9 June 1941, just over a week after he was confirmed as air commander in the Middle East, Tedder grasped the nettle of Rosalinde’s dislike of Freeman. ‘I am more than ever convinced’, Tedder assured her, not for the first time, ‘that he is entirely non-self-seeking. I think his loyalty to Portal, for whom he is dogsbodying, is a pretty good indication. Anyway, I am quite certain I wouldn’t be holding this baby now if it weren’t for Freeman – perhaps that’s a mixed blessing since it is certainly an unruly babe at the moment.’ Rosalinde promised on 9 July that she would ‘try to feel better towards Freeman’. Even though he sent her a ‘charming letter’ to mark Tedder’s latest elevation, she remained convinced – quite wrongly – that ‘it was not he but the PM [Prime Minister] who put you in the present job’.