Today’s services marketplace is characterized by the convergence of forces such as globalization of markets, the escalating pace of technological change and increasing economic turbulence. Adding to this tumultuous mixture is the added pressure on companies to show responsibility. This is nothing particularly new. Traditionally, companies have held various levels of responsibility towards their share holders and employees. These responsibilities may range from profit making to providing correct working conditions. However, since the start of the new century, the sense of company responsibility has broadened to include responsibility to local communities, the local environment and the planet. In business management,

The objectives for this chapter are:

• To define sustainable marketing

• To identify the principles of responsible marketing for hotels and restaurants

• To provide an understanding of the importance of openness, honesty and credibility in the responsible marketing context

• To provide an understanding of the concept of sustainable development in relation to external communications and responsible marketing

• To examine responsible marketing as part of a company’s ethical strategy

• To discuss the four new Ps reflecting a green concept

• To comprehend the concept of branding in relation to green operations

these new responsibilities are part of a larger concept labelled as Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility. In hospitality management practices, these responsi bilities are mirrored by hands-on operational initiatives that may include supporting local charities, partnering community development projects or purchasing food from local organic farmers. These new responsibilities may be perceived as added burdens to some while others clearly see an opportunity to enhance their overall image. Arguably, today’s ferocious competitive pace does not allow firms to sit back and hope that the well-worn differentiating strategies will do the trick and enable them to stay ahead of the competition. Thus, in order to avoid the commoditization of certain sectors of the hospitality and tourism industry, innovative brands are looking for new ways to build relationships with their customers. This is where companies enter the realm of green marketing and branding.