Introduction In the previous chapter, the need for some explicit instruction was established; in this chapter, we look at a sampling of strategy lessons and activities that use this explicit/targeted instruction. Th ese strategy lessons were developed by my students and by classroom teachers who had determined, aft er formative and qualitative assessment, that some students in their classrooms would benefi t from explicit instruction to enhance their linguistic (phoneme-grapheme, syntax, and semantic) and/or cognitive (comprehension, metacognitive, and study) strategies. Some of the lessons focus on one particular strategy or aspect of the strategy, while others combine work on more than one skill/strategy. Th ere is no right or wrong way for teachers to combine strategy development. Contributing teachers used the assessed strengths and needs of their students to plan explicit instruction. You will need to do the same thing. If you have several children who have diffi culty making a logical guess at unfamiliar words, or if you have children who have diffi - culty focusing on specifi c facts and details as they read, you might decide to develop separate strategy lessons just for those focuses. On the other hand, if you have students who have problems retelling a story or a content-oriented message, you might decide to develop a strategy lesson to more generically focus on important aspects to consider when retelling what one has read.