Rosh Hashanah, fo1. 18, col. 2. NOTE.-In 2 Kings xxv. 8, the seventh of Ab is the date

given for the first of thcs3 events, "rhereas Jeremiah (Iii. 12) mentions the tenth as the fatal day. Josephus (Wars of the JC\VS, Book vi. chap. 4, sec. IS) coincides \vith the latter. Query, \vhich is right 1

2. On the ninth of Ab one must abstain from eating and drinking, and anointing one's self, and ,vearing shoes, and matrimonial intercourse. He may not read the Bible, the Talmud, the Midrash, the I-Ialachoth, or the IIaggadoth, excepting such portions as he is not in the habit of readjng, such he may then read. The Lamentations, Job, and the hard ,yords of J el'emiah should engage his study. Children should not go to school on this day, because it is said (Ps. xix. 8)," The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart." Taanith, fo1. 30, col. 1.