I. WHEN Solomon married the daughter of Pharaoh, she introduced to him ct thousand different kinds of musical instruments, and taught him the chants to the various idols. Shabbath, fo1. 56, col. 2.

2. VVhen Buneis, the son of Buneis, called on Rabbi (the Holy), the latter exclaimed, ce l\lake way for one ,vorth a 11undred manahs! II Presently another visitor came, and Rabbi said, "Nlake way for one worth two hundred manahs." Upon which Rabbi Ishmael, the son of Rabbi Yossi, remonstrated, saying, "Rabbi, the father of the first· comer, owns a thousand ships at sea and a thousand towns ashore 1II cc "VeIl," replied l{abbi, "\vhen thou seest his father, tell hiln to send his son better clad next tiU1C." Rabbi paid great rcspect to those that ,vere rich, and so did Rabbi Akiva. Ei'1'lt'vi'n, fo1. 86, col. 1.