His kingdom knoweth neither gain nor loss. One that is rich in generosity, Discreet, intelligent, and vigilant, Should lock not fast his treasures, least of all If he is lord of throne and diadem, And if a wealth of words be thine to give, Be lavish, knowledge faileth not. Incline To God in good and ill as thou wilt have Thy good endure. If thou acknowledgest c. 1460 That all thy good and evil are from Him Thy guerdon will be jocund Paradise ; But if thou choosest this world's vanities Thou wilt remain unransomed in their clutch. If God shall cease to keep thee 'neath His hand Thou wilt abide in endless woe. I trust To holy God that, when I lay my head Within this darksome dust, He may account me A conquering king, a Lustre of the world. Is it not better then to lavish justice Than to get wealth unjustly, for our labours Endure here but our wealth will be past doubt Our foe's. We leave our memory good or bad ; Forbear thine utmost to sow seed of ill."