Now when Ardshir heard of Haftwád the news Displeased him, and he sent against that chief A host of valiant, high-starred warriors. Haftwád, on hearing of them, took it lightly. He set an ambush in a mountain-coign, And went himself to combat with his troops. Now when the battle raged, and while the soldiers Plied~mace and battle-ax, the force in ambush Advanced, earth gloomed to those Iranians, For none knew head from foot, and thou hadst said :— " Earth manacled their hands." Such were the slain On desert, dale, and mountain that the victors Tired of the slaughter. The survivors sped Back to the Sháh. Now when renowned Ardshir Heard of the fight, the slaughter, and the plunder, He sorrowed, summoned to him all his host, And hasted to distribute arms and pay. He set forth wrathfully against Haftwád ; The head of that base-born ono rose to heaven ; He brought forth arms and treasure from the hold, Misprizing both that army and the war. Now when his eldest son, then far away, Heard that his father was engaged in strife