Generational transformations over historical time and space in Africa have featured a mixture of the “good” and the “bad.” The valuable interactions and relationships that endured in our traditional communities typify the good. The bad, on the other hand, is typified by the alterations that our cultures have witnessed as a result of profound and, sometimes, negatively influencing foreign contacts that have put in jeopardy whatever we had cherished in our generational relationships in the past. However, it is obvious that Africa cannot remain in the past in a globalizing and modernizing world. We live in the present, and therefore our peoples must engage in the deconstruction, reconstruction and transformation of whatever could help them maintain some degree of cultural development. [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-HAWORTH. E-mail address: <docdelivery@haworthpress.com> Website: <https://www.HaworthPress.com> © 2004 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.]