One of the questions I am most frequently asked is, “Can hypnosis be used in the treatment of such and such?” I used to think I should instantly be able to cite a host of scientific studies to support my typically affirmative response, but I have changed tactics in recent years. Citing studies doesn’t make the larger point I think needs making when someone wonders aloud about the applications of hypnosis. Now I am more likely to counter with questions such as, “Do you think there is any mental or emotional involvement with that disorder you are asking about? Do you think people’s attitude, expectations, or belief system plays a role, however major or minor, in their experience of the problem? Are individuals’ feelings, personal needs, or self-image a factor in the way their problem is experienced?” In routinely asking people such questions, I can’t recall anyone ever responding, “No, the person’s frame of mind is not a factor at all.” Most people seem to readily grasp that even when problems are clearly physical in origin, they affect mood, outlook, expectations, relationships, behavior, and more.