In this chapter, you will learn how to make cross-tabulation tables from two variables, both of which have a few levels or values of categorical data. You will learn how to decide if there is a statistically significant relationship between two nominal variables using chi-square and you will learn how to assess the strength of this relationship (i.e., the effect size) using phi (or Cramer’s V) and odds ratios. You will also compute and interpret Kendall’s tau-b for ordinal variables and eta for one nominal and one normal/scale variable. We will see eta again in Chapter 11 as an effect size measure for ANOVAs. The statistics demonstrated in this chapter are called nonparametric statistics because they are designed to be used with data that are not normally distributed.  First log on and get hsbdataB (you saved it after computing new variables in Chapter 5).  If you haven’t done Chapter 5, use Alternative hsbdataB.