In this chapter, you will learn how to compute two types of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a similar nonparametric statistic. In Problem 11.1, we will use the one-way or single factor ANOVA to compare three levels of father’s education on several dependent variables (e.g., math achievement). If the ANOVA is statistically significant, you will know that there is a difference somewhere, but you will not know which pairs of means were significantly different. In Problem 11.2, we show you when and how to do appropriate post hoc tests to see which pairs of means were different. In Problem 11.3, you will compute the Kruskal-Wallis (K-W) test, a nonparametric test similar to one-way ANOVA. In Problem 11.4, we will introduce you to twoway or factorial ANOVA. This complex statistic is discussed in more detail in our companion book, Leech et al. (2011), IBM SPSS for Intermediate Statistics (4th ed.).  Retrieve your hsbdataB.sav file.