Examining the wheat yield per acre in the European countries, we see that the greatest advance in the yield in the last three decades happened in Holland and in Germany (25 in 1891-1900 and 32 bushels in 1901-IO), and this seems to indicate a great step forward to intensive culture. But some other countries in Europe already reached the same yield, as the United Kingdom, 32 ; Belgium, 35 ; Switzerland, 33 ; and Denmark, 35, in 1901-10. They advanced more because their previous standard was high, with the possible exception of Denmark.l

But the general European average wheat yield per acre did not advance much during the three decades 1881-90, 1891-1900, and 1901-10. Only in the last decade it was raised by I bushel per acre. The average wheat yield per acre in 1901-10 was 14 bushels, while in the previous decade it was 13 bushels.