This agreement represents the result of an ongoing process and dialogue between ____ [party A] and ____ [party B] since contact was first initiated between the two parties on ____ [date or approximate date]. (See transcript, pp [000-000].)

A meeting was held on ____ [date] at ____ [location of the meeting] between ____ [parties including the collector, the country encompassing the region and the indigenous group]. Effort was made to establish the relationship between the official country government and the indigenous group. Effort was also made to determine that the representative indigenous group in the contract was indeed the historical occupier of the land from which collection is to occur. There is also documentation that this group has been the primary steward of the resource. Effort was shown to exist in determining that the representatives who will sign or give consent are truly representative of the people who will be affected by the decision. These efforts are to ensure the integrity of this agreement and of the collection process. (See transcript, pp [000-000].)

During the dialogue process, the collector has fully explained to the source country government and to the local indigenous people about his/her objectives of collection. The collector fully explained the potential benefits and profits that could result from collection. The collector specified, if applicable, the specific sample to be collected. There is reasonable understanding by the collector that the source country and the local indigenous people fully comprehend and adequately interpret what he/she hopes to find and develop and the results and consequences of consent. If any knowledge of the local indigenous people is to be utilized, that is mentioned here. This section requires extensive proof through documentation. (See transcript, pp [000-000].)

The time frame for the research is specified. The scope of the area to be searched will be defined with continual analysis and research in order to ensure that the local indigenous people occupy all of that land area. (See transcript, pp [000-000].)

The specifics of the consent are outlined: what is agreed upon, by whom, when the agreement is to take place, where the research will be carried out, and the potential gains for both through this agreement. (See transcript, pp [000-000].)

_________________________ Signatures to the consent with an understanding by all parties of the binding nature of signatures. (See transcript, pp [000-000].)

Translated copies are to be kept for all parties involved.