:"EGLECTED QI.TSTIO:"S ,-\,'\D P1W:\IISI:"G F'EHSPECTI\-ES En'n within the lraditiunal thcmc of tile \\'itchcr;lft pro~ccuti(Jns. but n;':>I(' W {JlIt~ide it. impurtant questic.ns It'lld to ha\'(~ L,tt'n Jleglected, One of them concerns the rele of dlllnillg folk. witch-dodO!':; dlld othd ll1<1gie,d ~p('eiali~t~ in the proe\:"s~ of di~gn,-,~ing ,;nd ('tluliltrinl,! bt'\\'itch!ll(-l1t~. a~ \l'dl a~ their contribution to cuntinuity in witchcr<lft beliefs and pral'li,-es . .1J :\n(Jthl'r point which d<:,,('t\'f~ ;It!.;ntinn i~ the part playrJ by tr.i\,elli'lg e:-'fculiOlltrS in communicating denlOllolClgical COI1C('pts of witcilni1ft <'IS well as in ~howing \\,il)'S of deteciing witche~. P;!l'(ly in lint with this, more inf('rJn;ltioll is mt'ded on the degree and the w,.y~ ill which wilch-tri;:;ls hale ~erH'd ,15 an example fur witcl1Cl'aft accusations and witc'h-Irials elsewhere. The Dutch witchcraft re::.ear(h, <lod al"o 10 a Ct'rtain txtent Brhringer'~ ~tudy on Bavaria, It'!'tify to the fruidulness of luokir.g into these mattas.