The Ghana Interim Soil Classification was made as a provisional tool for soil mapping in Ghana, but was also used for soil inventory in a number of British Commonwealth countries (Adjei-Gyapong and Asiamah, 2002). The classification is focused on natural soils (Table 29.1). The soils of urban and industrial areas, not very widespread in East Africa, are not present in the classification. Exposed rock is partially included in several great groups (various Lithosols) in the Lithopeds suborder: these soils are distinguished in landscapes with common outcrops of consolidated rock or ironpan. The soils under shallow water are included in a special suborder Hydrosols with two suborders for fresh and brackish water. Cultivated soils are classified in the same manner as the natural ones; the soils deeply transformed by agriculture are classed with natural soils. The scope of soil classification of Ghana

Superficial bodies

Representation in the system

Natural soils

Used for Ghana and a number of other African countries

Urban soils

Not included in the classification

Man-transported materials

Not included in the classification

Bare rock

Partially included in the Lithosols groups

Subaquatic soils

Included in a special suborder of Hydropeds

Soils deeply transformed by agricultural activities

Classified as if they are natural soils