The feellllg of friendship should perhaps be considered as the origin of all social affections; for goodwill pauses on what is at hand before going further; it is directed to the illdividual, before embracing society. What is patriotism in the heart of the Savage? Is it a feeling ofaffection for all those who live with him in a common society? Is it attachment to the soil 011 which he lives, to the life tllat he leads, to the habits by which he is ruled? Is it a return to Ius own interest? What is the force of this patriotism, and by what outer signs is it displayed? Would he sacrifice hilllself for tIle good of his society? What need does he have of liberty, what shame does he attacll to slavery, and wllat hate does he have for arbitrary and despotic power? Is he also familiar with the anlbition for power, and what form does it take for hiln?