The sun did but begin to cheer the earth and to behold his mistress with an amorous aspect, when the Sagamos Membertou (after our prayers solemnly made to God and the breakfast distributed to the people, according to the custom) came to give us advertisment that he had seen a sail upon the lake which came towards our fort. At this joyful news everyone went out to see, but yet none was found that had so good a sight as he, though he be above 100 years old; nevertheless, we spied very soon what it was. Monsieur de Poutrincourt caused in all diligence the small barque to be made ready for to go to view further. Monsieur de Champdoré and Daniel Hay went in her, and, by the sign that had been told them being certain that they were friends, they made presently to be charged four cannons and twelve falconets, 79 to salute them that came so far to see us. They on their part did not fail in beginning the joy, and to discharge their pieces, to whom they rendered the like with usury. It was only a small barque under the charge of a young man of Saint Malo, named Chevalier, who, being arrived at the fort, delivered his letters to Monsieur de Poutrincourt, which were read publicly. They did write unto him that, for to help to save the charges of the voyage, the ship (being yet the Jonas) should stay at Campseau Port, there to fish for cod, by reason that the merchants associate with Monsieur de Monts knew not that there was any fishing farther than that place: notwithstanding, if it were necessary, he should cause the ship to come to Port Royal, Moreover, that the Society was broken, because that, contrary to the King his edict, the Hollanders, conducted by a traitorous Frenchman called La Jeunesse, had the year before taken up the beavers and other furs, of the great river of Canada—a thing which did turn to the great damage of the Society, which for that cause could no longer furnish the charges of the inhabiting in these parts, as it had done in times past. And therefore did send nobody for to remain there after us. As we received joy to see our assured succour, we felt also great grief to see so fair and so holy an enterprise broken; that so many labours and perils past should serve to no effect; and that the hope of planting the name of God and the Catholic faith should vanish away. Notwithstanding, after that Monsieur de Poutrincourt had a long while mused hereupon, he said that, although he should have nobody to come with him but only his family, he would not forsake the enterprise.