Upon the point that we should take our leave of Port Royal, Monsieur de Poutrincourt sent his men, one after another, to find out the ship at Campseau, which is a port being between seven or eight islands, where ships may be sheltered from winds; and there is a bay of above 15 leagues depth, and 6 or 7 leagues broad: the said place being distant from Port Royal above 150 leagues. We had a great barque, two small ones, and a shallop. In one of the small barques some men were shipped that were sent before. And the 30th of July the other two went away. I wTas in the great one, conduced by Monsieur de Champdore. But Monsieur de Poutrincourt, desirous to see an end of our sowed corn, tarried till it was ripe, and remained there eleven days yet after us. In the meantime, our first journey having been the passage of Port Royal, the next day mists cMe and spread themselves upon the sea, which continued with us eight whole days, during which all we could do was to get to Cape de Sable, which we saw not.