At age 4, intelligence was assessed with the abbreviated version of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. Test-retest reliability of the IQ scores was .83 in a random sample of 140 children reexamined after 3 months by a visiting psychologist from another study center. Concept formation ability was evaluated with the Graham-Emhart Block Sort, a test requiring the children to group blocks differing in color, size, and shape. The maximum score on sorting tasks at three levels of difficulty was 45. Test-retest reliability was .43 in the sample of 140 children. The four fine motor subtests in the battery were bead stringing from the Stanford-Binet, Wallin Pegboard B, Porteus Maze IV, and copying a circle, cross, and square. Gross motor skills were evaluated with a line-walking task, hopping, and catching a ball. Fine and gross motor scores, ranging from 0 to 100, were derived from the number of subtests passed in each area (Broman et aI., 1975). Hand dominance was determined from performance on the pegboard 122

Table 7-1 Standardized Coefficients for Preschool Discriminators Between

the Severely Retarded and Comparison Groups

Comparison Group

Variablea White Black


Abnormal behavior summary rating .30 .57 .59 .26 .33 .67 .79 . II

Abnormal speech production at age 3 .12 .22 .02 .15 .26 .17