Setting viable objectives and targets is not always as easy as it might appear at first glance. Not only do they have to be in line with your previously drafted policy (including the commitment to continual improvement if you are pursuing formal standards), and your already identified significant impacts, they should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-related. Effective objectives and targets are the only way to set up effective delivery programmes (see Chapter 8). The policy should have outlined the methodology of the organization's approach to the environment. Objectives and targets will then give such intentions greater relevance on a day-to-day basis for the organization and all levels of the workforce. If you are involved in a phased implementation scheme, you may already have undertaken a simpler form of this exercise in the opening phases. You will still need to revisit your original ‘quick and dirty’ objectives at some point as your EMS matures, so the information in this chapter is relevant.