Much of this book is about words and how they are used in global environmental governance; that is why we have included more than 3500 definitions and about 3500 acronyms that represent the institutions, devices, dreams and jargon invented by our colleagues. We are well aware that this does not do justice to the creativity of GEG wordsmiths. However, having now collected a dictionary of some magnitude, we are also aware of the amount of time and work that goes into such an exercise. Because of this, we want to acknowledge the work of all the others who have attempted such a thing and to say ‘thank you’ for knowingly or unknowingly allowing us to use their work. You will notice that many of the entries end with some hieroglyphics of our own – an attempt to identify our sources and the following is a translation of these hieroglyphics. Where a term is from an article or paper with a known author, their contribution is acknowledged as in a text and the source is then given in the bibliography.