Since the departure of Jean-Claude Duvalier in February 1986, Haiti has been engaged in a seemingly endless political process punctuated by several military coups, outbursts of violence and foreign military interventions. The origins of the crisis go back to Haiti’s the troubled past (Table 13.7) Haiti – chronology of key events

1 January 1804

Haiti gains independence from France


Civil war between north and south Haiti


Haiti invades and occupies Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic since 1844)


The US invades and occupies Haiti


Dr François ‘Papa Doc’ Duvalier is elected president through military-controlled elections


Duvalier creates his private militia (Tontons Macoutes), following an attempted coup


Duvalier proclaims himself President-for-Life


Papa Doc Duvalier dies in office after naming his 19 year-old son Jean-Claude (‘Baby Doc’) as his successor

7 February 1986

Jean-Claude Duvalier leaves Haiti, following popular unrest and external pressure


A succession of military coups follows

16 December 1990

Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide is elected president with 67.5 per cent of the votes in Haiti’s first-ever democratic election

30 September 1991

Military coup by General Raoul Cedras. Aristide goes into exile. An international embargo is imposed against Haiti in October 1991

19 September 1994

A US-led military intervention leads to the return of President Aristide in October

28 April 1995

Aristide abolishes the National Army


As Aristide is not eligible for a second consecutive term, René Préval, a close associate, is elected President

29 November 2000

Aristide is elected president in an election marked by fraud and extremely low participation. Economic sanctions are imposed on Haiti

29 February 2004

Aristide is forced to resign and to go into exile. The UN Security Council authorizes the deployment of a Multinational Interim Force to be followed by a UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)

17 March 2004

A government of transition is formed under Prime Minister Gerard Latortue

16 February 2006

René Préval is declared President-elect, following elections held on 7 February