WAHLLISTE The list of candidates putting themselves forward, for KOMMUNAL-

l^f^Jcheconstitntes uhe righr of an individual du vote vo T h t p o ^ a l d that has to be presented at the polling station or sent in to the election officer in the case of a BRIEFWAHL. T h t ™ ? ? e R f o ™ introduced by the Western AUies on 20 June 1948 and replaced the old Reichsmark with tht DEDESCHC MARK (DM). This eliminated inflation at a stroke and paved the way for the BRD'S WRTSCHAFTSWUNDER but was the first step in the separation of east and west Germany. See also: BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND; DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATISCHE REPUBUK

S^TpS^*. —-..«, since 1988. He was appointed BUNDESMINISTER DER FINANZEN in

T n ^ r p e L n t state for seven centuries, the Waldeck is now part of HESSEN and NIEDERSACHSEN. Waldeck-Frankenberg is a


C « t i o n 1 L ^ n y founded in 1876. Company headquarters are in AUGSBURG. Walter has some 13,000 employees.