At that time, all the creatures who were listening to the Law from the Buddha drank it, thinking it was water, and they became very drunk and were stupefied. As a result of the poison of that strong drink soaking into the earth, two types of strong drink originated: seed-drink and refined drink. The evil Demon King

rejoiced and looked appraisingly at the creatures who had assembled before the Buddha. Three quarters of them, and the majority of the remaining quarter, were assembled before the Buddha, and only a few were assembled before the Demon, and so the Demon King lay grieving sorely, and his tutelary genius, the Fierce Black God said to him: “Do not grieve. This aeon is the Aeon of Life of One Hundred Thousand Years. This is the world of the great melodiousness of the Buddha, hence few will assemble before you. After this there will come many aeons of lesser life, and so your religion will flourish more than the religion of the Buddha.” Hearing this, the Demon King uttered the following wish: “After this, in the Aeons of Lesser Life, may my religion flourish greatly, and may living creatures experience the sufferings of the Three Evil Destinies, and in particular may they fall into the Thunderbolt Hell.”