Men of this type were Josep11's mainstay. Thcy kncw the factory as a nrliolc. 'Tlicy 11;ltl watched i t grow. 'l'hey understoocl the rcl:ttionsl~ip l~ctwcen tlie tlifli-rcrit tlcpnrtnicnts, and tlley coultl maltc allo~vanccs for makcsl~ift \vorkrooms and awkward ccjuil~nefit. 111 a s c ~ ~ s e t11cy werc a~nnteurs, but thcy 11ad a cnliiprel~cnsivc iclca of t l ~ c busincss wllicli was worth, at tliis pcriod, much morc that1 spccinlizcd training. Thcy wcre an iniportant part of the picturc during tlie ycars wllrn tlie busincss quatlrupletl the tiutnbcr of its employees. This actually happened 11etween I 883, whcn I Ic~i ry Isaac dicd, and I 894; in those eleven years the nuniber of pcol)lc cmploycd at Ron~tltrces rose froni two hundred co eight l~ur~clrccl and ninety-four.