In the last lecture we have sketched the general structure and regional differentiation of the firmament of personal minds or egos. What we have sketched, being phenomenological and not metaphysical, has ended by being very much how commonsense conceives the whole field of such intersubjectivity. We have constructed a system of conscious centres, all exposed, on their percipient side, to a common order of bodies manifest through their several senses, and which also have a dynamic side, manifest, not merely in the flow of their interior acts, but in the changes in their bodies, in which changes they exert influence on their common world and also make their existence and character known to each other. Bodies and their changes here play an all-important role in the inner economy of the realm of mind. Their changes are no dispensable, external addition to the states and postures of separated egos, but represent their full final carrying out, whether they display what these states ultimately point to in actually confronting bodily situations, or carry out the drifts present in the mind's internal postures into overt bodily movements. But in a direction away from all this public carrying out of the ego's intentions into bodily situations and movements, its life extends ‘inwards’ into states in which the personality, unity and separate-ness of the ego are ever more strongly emphasized, till we reach the internal pole of unillustrated meanings, insights and resolutions, which are so close in their unity, and so little set apart from the ego, as to count practically as its own personal, incommunicable, immanent phases or moods.