In discussing the four issues in this chapter and the next, I adopt a different analytical approach to each. The analysis of the two cultures debate presents a survey of the controversy stimulated by C. P. Snow's essay The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution. I first summarize the substance of the essay's ideas and indicate how the debate they generated evolved and underwent change through a variety of critical populations. I then suggest some ways in which art radically differs from science. The discussion of policy proceeds from a conceptual analysis performed by Donna Kerr, which I adapt for my own purposes. To understand the meaning of ideology I identify different meanings of the term and recommend how it might be used in discussions of aesthetic education. My remarks about postmodernism consists of a configurational understanding of one of its progeny, deconstruction; that is, a picture or pattern of beliefs and tendencies is developed from the efforts of a number of writers who have tried to understand it.