The Novum Organum was published in 1620. Certain prolegomena to the whole of the Instauratio were prefixed to it, namely a Proœmium beginning “Francis-cus de Verulamio sic cogitavit,” a dedication to King James, a general preface, and an account, entitled Distributio Operis, of the parts of which the Instauratio was to consist. Of these the Novum Organum is the second; the De Augmentis, which was not then published, occupying the place of the first. Accordingly in most editions of Bacon's works the prolegomena are prefixed, not to the Novum Organum, but to the De Augmentis; and this is doubtless their natural place. Nevertheless as Bacon's general design was not completed, it seems better to allow them to remain in their original position, especially as in the Proœmium Bacon explains why he publishes one portion of the Instauratio apart from the rest. “Decrevit,” he there says, speaking of himself, “prima quæque quæ perficere licuit in publicum edere. Neque hæc festinatio ambitiosa fuit, sed sollicita, ut si quid illi humanitus accideret, exstaret tamen designatio quædam ac destinatio rei quam animo complexus est,” etc.