THE treatiot; lJe Sapioililt Vderunl was first publishe<1 iu [609, iu a small <1uo<1ecimo volume, carefully aud beautifullv printed in the elegaut italic type then in liSP. It appears to have becollle speedily popular, and was once or twicr. reprinte(l during Bacon's life, awl translate(l both into English 1-!HI Italian. III 1623, he introduced three of the fables. revised and cousi(lerably enlarged, into the Dc .. 1 ugmentis Scientiarum. as a specimen of OUt; of the Desiderata. Two others he had designed for the foundation of an elaborate discussion of the philosophy of Democritlls, Pannenides. and Tclesius ; of which a considerable fragment has been preserved. [The De Principiis, above. pp. 647-69.] A year or two before his de<tth he designed to include the whole volume among thl' OPera _~foralit! ec Civilia. of which he was theH preparing a collpction, awl in which it was aftE'rwards publisher] by Dr. Rawl"y. along with the Latin tran51ations of the Hi,tory of Hpnry \'11., the Fssays, the New Atlantis. and the DialoglE' f)f it Holy War. There can be no uoubt therefore that it was a work which he thought well of, and nwant to liv('.