Children learn best when they follow their own interests. They have a natural desire to explore, communicate, create and learn. Anna Ephgrave has developed her practice to ensure this is possible. Children thrive when a setting is organised and managed by the adults, but led by the children. They learn and develop if they are in a stimulating environment which is carefully organised and when observations are used to support their "next steps". They take risks and surpass expectations when they have clear routines and boundaries, combined with a supportive staff and an enabling environment.

The Reception Year in Action offers a unique insight into the workings of a highly successful reception class as it progresses through a complete academic year. Covering all aspects of working with young children, the book clearly explains how the classroom and garden are organised and the boundaries that are in place to keep children safe, happy and free to explore and learn. It then sets out the examples of learning and development that occurred during each month, as well as any surprises, activities and examples of "next steps" that came about as a result of events. At each stage Anna Ephgrave gives the reason behind the decisions and shows what the outcomes have been for the children.

Key features include:

  • explanation of a system of spontaneous planning

  • detailed advice on how to use different environments to support play and learning
  • guidance on the role of the adult and working with parents
  • ways to support children’s individual interests, cirumstances and talents including those with special needs and English as an additional language
  • photocopiable pages of planning sheets, record keeping sheets, sample letters to parents and role play resources
  • over 150 full-colour photographs to illustrate practice

  • list of resources and materials

  • examples of recorded observations and planning for next steps

  • foreword by Helen Bilton.

This book aims to inspire teachers by giving them the practical ideas, and evidence of success, to work in a way that is rewarding, manageable and, above all, best for the children in their care.

chapter |3 pages


chapter 1|11 pages


chapter 2|20 pages


chapter 3|12 pages


chapter 4|14 pages


chapter 5|17 pages


chapter 6|13 pages


chapter 7|14 pages


chapter 8|8 pages


chapter 9|11 pages


chapter 10|13 pages


chapter 11|5 pages
