Amer ican Ant iquar ian Society: 22 Arcadia Editions L imi ted : 21, 48 Archive Pictures Inc.: 105 Associated Press Worldwide: 92 Bettmann Archive: 66,116,119 Brown Brothers: 96 Brown University: 74 Culver Pictures: 84 e.t. archives: 24, 32 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper archive: 58 His tor ic N e w Orleans Col lect ion: 46 H u l t o n Getty: 114 Kansas State His tor ica l Society: 69 Library Company of Philadelphia: 44 L ibrary of Congress: 70 L i n k Picture Library, L o n d o n : 130 M o n t a n a His tor ica l Society: 78 N a t i o n a l Archives: 11,12, 82 Peter Newarks American Pictures: 53, 63,112, 139 Rockefeller Folk A r t M u s e u m : 30 U.S. A r m y Archives: 90 Private collections

Design: M a l c o l m Swanston, Elsa Gibert

Cartography: Elsa Gibert , M a l c o l m Swanston

D r a w i n g p. 21, 48: Peter A . B. Smith.