Other Phases of the Controversy up to r6oo I I I Han, Arnobius, St. Jerome, St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, and what you will wonder at more, Apuleius, Cassiodorus, Martianus, and also Sidonius Apollinaris. I advise you, Darius, to do the same, and not to imitate the folly of those who are students of antiquity to the ·extent that even they reject words peculiar to the Christian religion and substitute for them others verging upon the sacrilegious; who say not fidem but persuasionem, not sacramentum corporis Dominici but santificum cntstulum, not excommunicare but diris devovere, not Angelos but genios, not baptizatre but abluere; who, I think if they were not afraid, even would say J ovem optimum maximum instead of Christ, for this is more Ciceronian. What insanity it is, when we read porricere, impetrire, tripudium solistimum, pateras, and sympuvia, to mark them as spoken wisely 'because they have been borrowed from the books of augury, while the words peculia·r to the Christian religion ·and the ritual are condemned as not classic enough? '