Each year, more than 10 million US residents travel abroad to obtain a broad range of

healthcare services, including tonsillectomies and knee, eye, and hernia surgeries. Why would

so many people travel to other nations to have medical procedures performed, thereby

importing healthcare services from abroad? One reason, of course, is that people facing

increasingly long waits for treatment caused by greater US governmental interference are

seeking speedier treatment elsewhere. There is, however, an additional and perhaps more

important reason, which is that many US residents have discovered that healthcare services

are much less costly to obtain in other nations, such as India and Thailand. For instance,

tonsillectomies and knee, eye, and hernia surgeries are all at least 50 percent cheaper to

obtain abroad. Indeed, the costs of obtaining such healthcare services abroad are often so much

lower that a number of US patients apply the savings to cover both their travel costs and the

costs of vacationing abroad following treatment.