21 May 1999: Texas Governor George W. Bush is running for President But a website in his name (https://www.gwbush.com" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">www.gwbush.com) isn't doing his campaign any favours. It looks identical to Bush's official site (which is https://www.georgewbush.com" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">www.georgewbush.com) — the same layout and design, the same pictures. But under the slogan ‘Hypocrisy with Bravado’, the text highlights Bush's refusal to deny having used illegal drugs, despite his harsh policies on others doing so. ‘What, in your own words,’ asks the site, ‘differentiates George W. Bush's early use of cocaine and that of the felons who are routinely locked away for the same offense, sometimes for years and years, or even forever?’ Exploring the site, visitors find invitations to take part in cultural and corporate sabotage projects — edit rented videotapes; jump the fence at Disneyland and request political asylum; insert plastic slaughtered-cow toys into Happy Meals. Asked about the site at a press conference, Bush declares ‘there ought to be limits to freedom!’