Aziditatsbestimmung /determination of acidity Aziditatsfunktion /acidity function ~/Hammettsche Hammett acidity function Aziditatsgrad m degree of acidity Aziditatskonstante /acidity constant Azidivinylphosphinoxid n azidivinylphosphine

oxide Azidogruppe /-N 3 azido group Azidoid n (soil) acidoid Azidokomplex m acido complex Azidolyse /acidolysis azidolytisch acidolytic azidophil acidophilic, acidophilous, oxyphil[e], oxy­

philic, oxyphilous Azidose / (med) acidosis -/diabetische diabetic acidosis (accumulation of

ketone bodies in the blood) Azimethylen n azimethylene, diazomethane Aziminobenzol n aziminobenzene, 1,2,3-benzo-

triazole Azimut[al]quantenzahl /azimuthal (subsidiary)

quantum number, orbital [angular momentum] quantum number

Azin n azine (any of two classes af organic com­ pounds containing two or more N atoms)

Azinfarbstoff m azine (phenazine-based) dye Azlacton n azlactone, oxazolone Azlacton-Kondensation //Erlenmeyer-Pldchl-

sche Erlenmeyer-Plochl azlactone synthesis (to yield a-amino acids)

A-Z-Ldsung / (biol) Hoagland solution (a nutrient solution containing microelements)

Azoapparatur / (text) azo[-dye] unit Azobenzen n azobenzene, diphenyldiimide,

diphenyldiazene Azobindung / azo link Azobisisobutyronitril n azobisisobutyronitrile,

AIBN Azobrucke / azo link Azodicarbonamid n azodicarbonamide, azoform-

amide Azodispersionsfarbstoff m disperse azo dye Azofarbstoff m azo dye ~/auf der Faser erzeugter s. -/unloslicher -/unloslicher azoic [dye], insoluble azo dye, (Am

also) ice color Azogelb n azo yellow Azogruppe /-N = N-azo group Azoimid n azoimide, hydrazoic acid Azokomponente / azo component Azokorper m R -N = N-R' azo compound Azokupplung /azocoupling, diazocoupling Azol n azole (any of a class of heterocyclic com­

pounds containing N) Azomethan n azomethane Azomethin n R2C = NRI azomethine, (ifRHC=NR‘

also) Schiff base, Schiff's base Azomethinfarbstoff m azomethine dye Azomethinverbindung fs. Azomethin

Azophenylen n azophenylene, phenazine Azoreihe / azo series Azotometer n azotometer, nitrometer Azoverbindung / R-N = N -R ‘ azo compound Azoxybenzen n azoxybenzene Azoxygruppe / azoxy group Azoxy verbindung / azoxy compound Azulen n azulene (bicyclic hydrocarbon possessing

10 p-electrons) A-Zustand m (plast) A stage azyklisch s. acyclisch

Babassufett n, Babassuol n babassu (babussu)

oil (palm oil from Orbignya speciosa Berk.) Babbit n, Babit[t]-Metall n Babbit metal (any of a

class of alloys containing tin, lead, and antimony) Babcock-Kugelringmuhle / Babcock & Wilcox

pulverizer (ball-and-ring mill), Babcock mill Babo-Blech n, Babo-Siedeblech n s. Babo-Trich-

ter Babo-Trichter m (lab) Babo funnel Babypresse / (pap) baby (pony) press Bachbildung /channel formation, channelling (as

in column packings or reactors) Backe /jaw (as of a clamp or breaker) -/feste anvil jaw (of a jawbreaker) Backeigenschaft / 1. (food) baking property

(quality, value, characteristics); 2. (coal) caking property

backen 1. (food) to bake; 2. (ch) to bake (amines for the purpose of sulphonation); (coal) to cake

Backenbrecher m jaw breaker (crusher) Backenwerkzeug n (plast) bar mould Backerhefe /baker’s yeast Backermargarine f s. Backmargarine Backerrohr n tubular heater Backfahigkeit / 1. (coal) caking power; 2. s. Back­

eigenschaft Backfahigkeitsverlust m (coal) loss of caking

power Backfahigkeitsverminderung / (coal) reduction of

caking power Backfahigkeitszahl / (coal) index of caking power,

caking index ~ nach Campredon Campredon index - nach Roga Roga index Backfett n shortening, pastry fat Backgroundkonzentration /background concen­

tration (background) level, baseline concentration Backhefe f s. Backerhefe Backkohle /caking coal Backmargarine / bakery margarine, confectionery

(cake, pastry) margarine Backpulver n baking powder -/phosphathaltiges phosphate powder Backqualitat fs. Backeigenschaft 1.