These sayings of’Abdullāh Anṣārī are incorporated in the different parts of the “Commentary on the Quran” (Kashf al-Asrār) and the “Generations” (Tabaqāt). We have selected these texts and have given it the title of “Sayings and Advice.” These are, however, other maxims and advice of Anṣārī in later manuscripts. 1 The sayings and prescriptions of Anṣārī that are from the early manuscripts have been extracted and published by Dr. Jawād Sharī ‘at, but not as an independent collection. It is not distinct from the “Intimate Invocations” (Munājāt). It is the rhetorical resemblance of the “Sayings and Advice” with the “Intimate Invocations” that has led to the publication of such a mélange.