The Indonesian government has responded to modernization by taking steps to preserve the cultures of the nation and build a strong national identity based on cultural richness. The government has chosen to emphasize Indonesian culture in its economic policies and for political diplomacy. In 1988 the Indonesian government formulated a policy entitled Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara (Broad Outlines for the Direction of the Nation, GBHN), 1 which stated that national development would be based on a cultural orientation. 2 Consequently, tourism is geared towards cultural tourism, new buildings try to harmonize with the local context by incorporating part of the local style of architecture, and educational institutions teach the local arts and languages, in addition to the national curriculum. As the primary institution for higher education in the arts in Bali, STSI plays an important role in implementing GBHN through its mandate to preserve and develop Balinese artistic culture. 3